(613) 596-9390                          


We have a number of serving opportunities here at Arlington Woods! If you would like to serve in some way, but you're not sure how, please contact our office at info@arlingtonwoods.ca

1. Sound Technicians:  We are looking for people who feel they have a "good ear" for hearing music levels and balance as well as a basic knowledge of technology to learn how to set up equipment and run the sound on a Sunday morning. This would require a few hours of training plus job shadowing. It would require being in-person for our services and rehearsals. Contact karlene@arlingtonwoods.ca.

2. Easy Worship Technician: Individuals who are interested in learning how to use our Easy Worship system. Easy Worship is how we order our services by uploading songs, sermons, videos, etc. on a Sunday morning and projecting them on the screen. A basic knowledge of Word and PowerPoint concepts are required. This will require step 1: running pre-created order, one hour training plus job shadowing. Followed by step 2: creating the deck (order from a blank template), another hour of training. It would require being in-person for our services and possibly rehearsals. Contact karlene@arlingtonwoods.ca.

3. VMix Technicians: This person(s) would be trained by our current VMix Producer to run the production online for our weekly stream. Skills required: enjoy learning new concepts on computer and have proficient knowledge already. Have an interest in video production and/or photography: being able to create good lines and picture placements. No audio experience needed. It would require being in-person for our services and attending rehearsals for pre-shot placements. Contact karlene@arlingtonwoods.ca

4. Graphic Design: We're always looking for individuals who would like to create promo graphics, sermon series slides, or social media imagery. If you have an interest in graphic design and have a passion for developing creative materials that stand out and capture attention, we would love to hear from you. Contact info@arlingtonwoods.ca

5. Website Updating: If you are handy with computers, we are looking for individuals who would like to keep the information on our website current. This would involve creating pages, creating online forms, and uploading and inserting graphics and imagery that we provide. Contact info@arlingtonwoods.ca

6. Welcome Team: If you are friendly, love meeting new people and can only be involved on Sunday mornings before and/or after church, then the Welcome Team is perfect for you. People are needed to greet people at the door and help people feel welcome in the lobby. Ushers help people find their seats or answer questions if there is unsurety about the service or where something is found. Contact karlene@arlingtonwoods.ca



1. KIDZONE group leader: Requirements: Having a passion to disciple kids in their faith, complete Plan to Protect training, ability to communicate well with kids. We are hoping to resume kids ministry at Arlington Woods in June 2021, so we are looking for leaders willing to serve once or twice a month in-person on a Sunday morning. This would involve supervision, leading in up-front group times or group worship (if that fits your interest/ability), leading a small group of kids in their lesson, crafts, and activities, helping with check-in or check-out from our kids ministry. Contact info@arlingtonwoods.ca.

2. NURSERY/PRESCHOOL volunteer: We are looking for adult volunteers who would like to serve on a once-a-month basis on Sunday mornings in our church nursery. The nursery is a place where preschoolers can be supervised and cared for while their parents attend the service. Volunteers must have Plan to Protect training and submit an updated police check. Contact info@arlingtonwoods.ca.

3. Summer Blast leaders and volunteers: Summer Blast is like a night at kids camp- typically running from 5-8:30pm on a Wednesday evening during the summer! At Summer Blast we need kids small group leaders, people who can help with preparing and serving food, supervisors, check-in/check-out volunteers, and those who can help plan and run games, crafts, and other activities. We have availabilites for both adult and teen volunteers. Contact info@arlingtonwoods.ca if interested.

4. CATALYST Youth leaders: Requirements: Having a passion to see teens grow in their faith and make wise life choices; Be present at least twice a month in our weekly youth ministry; Be friendly, welcoming, and relational; Complete Plan to Protect training. Your specific involvement can be tailored to your specific ministry gifts, skills and interests. Contact info@arlingtonwoods.ca.

5. Sending birthday cards, cards, or craft kits to kids or teens: Contact info@arlingtonwoods.ca.

6. Young Adults host: We are looking for hosts willing to open up their home to our young adults group on a monthly basis. This would entail serving a meal (typically on a Sunday after the service) where some of the food costs could be covered and providing a welcoming place of connection. If you're passionate about the younger generation and would like to support the strengthening of this community, contact Pastor Ben at info@arlingtonwoods.ca

7. Young Adults Leader: Requirements: Be a young adult yourself or feel called to minister to young adults. Attend our CONNECT: Young Adults ministry (currently happening online over ZOOM) on a regular basis. Prepare and lead a group devotional once every few months. Other involvement can be tailored to your specific ministry gifts, skills and interests. Contact info@arlingtonwoods.ca.

8. POP (Parents of Preschoolers) director and volunteers. We are wanting to offer our POP drop-in again on Monday mornings from 9-10:50am. We are in need of a Director of this ministry who can help oversee it and organize volunteers. We are also looking for volunteers who can be welcoming faces and provide supervision, setting out snacks, helping with cleanup and crafts, as well as potentially leading a weekly singing time (if you're gifted in that way). All POP volunteers must complete a police check and Plan to Protect training. Contact info@arlingtonwoods.ca.



1. Arlington Woods Bread Basket.  We want to let you know about a new and exciting opportunity, we have accepted a partnership with Lionhearts Food Rescue and Redistribution organization. Arlington Woods Church, will look after picking up, packaging and redistributing the unsold baking from the Cob’s at Bells corners 1 day a week, that being Saturday evenings.

Does this sound interesting for you to be a part of?

Does this type of volunteering excite you?

And/or Do you or your neighbour have need?

If you are interested in volunteering and finding out more about this new ministry please email breadbasket@arlingtonwoods.ca.  

2. Sunday Morning Hosts. We are looking for friendly and outgoing individuals who would like to join our Sunday Morning Host team. This role would involve being welcoming to newer people to our church and connecting them with other people who might be in their age category. This important role helps to foster a sense of community at Arlington Woods and ensure that people feel at home.

3. Community Sports Drop-in Leadership. We would love to utilize our gym to host drop-in times for sports! This could be during the day or on an evening. If you're a friendly sports lover who would love to help supervise or organize sports drop-in times, then please contact Pastor Ben at ben@arlingtonwoods.ca! Volunteers would need to have an updated police check and do our Plan to Protect training.

4. Providing a meal and dropping it off for the teen guests of Restoring Hope Youth Shelter. For details like and follow Restoring Hope on Facebook for a list of their needs and potential dates. https://www.facebook.com/restoringhopeministries 

5. Providing supplies or hygiene items for Restoring Hope Youth Shelter. These could include medications, lip balms, toothbrushes and toothpaste and other items. For details like and follow Restoring Hope on Facebook for a list of their current needs. https://www.facebook.com/restoringhopeministries

6. Ottawa Giving Project: The Ottawa Giving Project is continuing its opportunity for churches in our city to come together and support local agencies who serve Ottawa's homeless and low income communities! They are currently accepting donations of NEW socks, underwear, and personal hygiene items. For a list of acceptable donations and churches collecting donated items visit http://www.respondottawa.ca/givingproject/

7. Build a Street Survival Kit for Ottawa Innercity Ministries (OIM): One kit would include a backpack, sleeping bag, socks, as well as hygiene and food items. This is a great project for a small group or for a family! Visit https://www.ottawainnercityministries.ca/donate for more information. 



1. Wedding/baby shower: This could involve planning the schedule for the event, organizing games or activities, promoting the shower and inviting others, or being a host or a helper. Contact lynda@arlingtonwoods.ca.

2. Organizing a "meal train" or providing and dropping off meals:  This is a ministry to help new parents, people who are grieving, or people recovering from surgery. Contact lynda@arlingtonwoods.ca.

3. Adopt a Senior: This is a great way for kids, teens, or families to encourage seniors who might feel isolated because of the pandemic. Simply connecting by sending an encouraging letter/cart/art craft as a way to show we care. Contact lynda@arlingtonwoods.ca.



1.  Café Worker: facilitate the vision of Arlington Woods Church by creating a welcoming space and making a difference in our community through serving. Each time you serve a cup in the Café, you will be creating a community spirit that brings people together. Food Safe Certified. Contact cafe@arlingtonwoods.ca.

2.  Café Helper: facilitate the vision of Arlington Woods Church by creating a welcoming space and making a difference in our community through serving. Each time you serve a cup in the Café, you will be creating a community spirit that brings people together. Not Food Safe Certified. Contact cafe@arlingtonwoods.ca.

3.  Café Host/Hostess: facilitate the vision of Arlington Woods Church by creating a welcoming space and making a difference in our community by spending time with our visitors. Contact cafe@arlingtonwoods.ca.

4.  Sunday Morning Coffee Team: facilitate the vision of Arlington Woods Church by creating a welcoming space and making a difference in our community through serving. For Sunday mornings. Contact cafe@arlingtonwoods.ca.

5.  Baking Team: work under the direction of the Bake Coordinator to help supply batters and cooked treats for the Café on a monthly basis. Contact cafe@arlingtonwoods.ca.